• More than 25 years of experience
Counseling +45 7453 0848
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Welcome to team E-VET

E-VET is a skilled and dedicated team, striding to provide you with the best professional guidance, products and service so you can concentrate on running your veterinary business.

Our highly competent team of representatives and specialists will guide you to the optimal equipment for your individual needs. Ready by the phone and in the storehouse our service staff will ensure that your order gets safely through to you and your patients.

Feel free to contact us - How may we help you?


Ole Rømersvej 26A
6100 Haderslev

Phone: +45 7453 0848
Fax: +45 7453 0804
Mail: salg@evet.dk

VAT: 14708146

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday at 8.00 to 16.30
Fredag kl. 8.00 til 15.30

Central European Time Zone 